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As in all Martial Arts, ethics are of great importance. One can look at individual ethics, treat a fellow-man right, or one can look at social ethics, as part of a whole.


Ethics all comes down to one point, the difference between 'good' and 'evil'. We practise taekwondo, but does this mean that we can kick one on the head? We wear protection, because we don't want a person to be injured, so this is not really a problem. It is all part of the sport. Taekwondo is not a destructive sport, but a sportive one. As I see it, taking part in a competition is not to hurt your opponent, but to test your strength, in both physical and mental ways.

Taekwondo students can improve themselves physically, and mentally by training. The final goal is to achieve harmony with nature and oneself. Balance is gained by controlling both evil and good forces (Yin vs. Yang): A true Taekwondo student knows how to behave in all situations.

In my opinion, Taekwondo (and I guess this goes for every Martial Art) is not only a way to improve skills of self defence, but it's a way of life. Practicing Taekwondo gives the student more self-confidence, but this should not result in a false sense of superiority.


Because of the military background, there is a general code. These codes are reflected in the so-called 'Commandments of modern Taekwondo' and is strongly influenced by the Buddhism. These commandments are influenced by the
HwaRang Do code of honor:

  1. Serve your lord with loyalty
  2. Serve your parents with filial piety
  3. Trust your friends
  4. Never retreat from a battle
  5. When taking life, be selective

The commandments of Taekwondo are used as a guide for the moral development of students and art. No student who does not fully understand these tenets can ever hope to master the true essence of the art.

Commandments of modern Taekwondo:

  1. Loyalty to your country
  2. Respect your parents
  3. Faithfulness to your spouse
  4. Respect your brothers and sisters
  5. Loyalty to your friends
  6. Respect your elders
  7. Respect your teacher
  8. Never take life unjustly
  9. Indomitable spirit
  10. Loyalty to your school
  11. Finish what you begin

Etiquette depends on a lot of things. Of importance are the attitude of the teacher, the country you live in and of course, what you think of it. I personally like to add some things I think are of importance too.

  • Show respect
    • Respect your teacher and the other students (not just the higher ranked!).
    • Respect the dojang
    • Respect your opponent.
  • Enter the dojang properly
  • Behave correctly.

How to behave in the dojang

There are a few general rules.

  • Always wear a clean and ironed Dobok.
  • Clean hands, feet, short nails.
  • Don't wear sharp things (if you do not have a Dobok, do not wear pants with zippers etc.)
  • No jewelry allowed
  • Don't drink, smoke or eat in the dojang (no chewing gum!)
  • Be on time.
  • When entering and leaving the dojang, make a proper bow
  • Don't talk, unless it is urgent