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Forging Quality Social & Business Connections

The hot weather may have deterred some folks from showing up but we still had a decent attendance for the Café Montmartre event. A number of our crowd took advantage of our wonderful venue to sit outdoors, enjoy the premature summer heat and enjoy the Lake Anne view.  We still had a solid 50 attend (barely) and commendations to Chelsea & Louise (from Pre-Paid Legal) who stepped up to the plate one day earlier to commit to being the Spotlight firm. Other topics of chatter was a lost kitty (one our members was late arriving due to searching for her cat), long lost connections with Uncles that were colleagues you once worked with, the big soccer game in Europe (Man. Utd v’s Barcelona), plus my job progress as well as Francine’s success both in getting a new job as well as using my Life Coach.  Our professional photographer Maggie Szymanek (Uncommon Photography) was a one night event in early May, so back to Dip taking snapshots. Special mention goes to Chelsea Schalton, Margaret Burke, Fred Harrison (NortonNet), Dip himself (2 newbies) and Rebecca Roble who all invited single guests.  A grand total of 7 more newbies attended. Great job team!  Thank you all for inviting others.  The Collateral Display table had only one item of literature (thank you Frank). Checkout the photos http://www.it4dc.com/it4dc.php?page=pics.php on the website & see what a fabulous time we had as well as the many "newbies" who attended. Additional thanks to Alyson for her great bartending services plus Anh Le and her entire staff who continue to serve us well and the Café Montmartre’s management team for their terrific hospitality, plus the wonderful appetizer they provide us. Our next regular event will be back at Da Domenico’s, Tyson’s Corner, VA on Tuesday, June 7th. Please invite folks who you believe will benefit and enjoy our group so we can continue to drive a big turnout at our new Tyson’s hangout in 2011, making this year even more successful than 2010! Thank you all for your continued support.

Dip Chandra

www.enexdi.com 703-748-0596 ask for Andrea
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