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Forging Quality Social & Business Connections

The lack of a significant “push” for our 3rd Da Domenica’s event did not prevent our numbers from exceeding 65+. Ambrose sang opera late into the evening for one or two of the ladies left with the small crowd.  We had a solid turnout, with a significantly higher than normal percentage of newbies.  13 in all, around 20% of the total!  Kudos to Robin Culler, Cheryll Pease (2), Ingrid de la Fuente (herself a newbie), Tom Basile, Jonathan West, Brandon Gulley, Ninad Annavaram, Jim Cribben, Margaret Burke, Dennis (from Unisys?) & Russell Shrieves (who brought along 2 folks and drove up from Virginia Beach to see me)!  Thank you all for inviting others.  The Collateral Display table was fully stocked with various parties, business information and other informative details for those who were interested to pick up. Topics of conversation ranged from jobs, Party for a Cure attendance, the longevity of relationships whether they be business or not, the wonderful food (and plentiful too) and the continued praise for the venue.  Checkout the photos http://www.it4dc.com/it4dc.php?page=pics.php on the website & see what a fabulous time we had as well as the many "newbies" who attended. Additional thanks to Gino & his entire staff who continue to serve us well and the Da Domenico’s management team for their terrific hospitality, 25% off dinner & the wonderful calamari, chicken wings plus an assortment of Italian cheese and veggies provided to us.  Our next event will be back at Café Montmartre, Lake Anne Plaza, Reston, VA on Wednesday, March 23rd. Please invite folks who you believe will benefit and enjoy our group so we can continue to drive a big turnout at our established Reston hangout in 2011, making this year even more successful than 2010! Thank you all for your continued support.

Dip Chandra

www.enexdi.com 703-748-0596 ask for Andrea
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