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Forging Quality Social & Business Connections

The evening began strong and continued throughout the night.  We had a crowd starting at 4:45pm and more folks came along all the way till about 7pm.  So much so that we had a turnout in excess of 60 people with a very healthy smattering of “newbies” (accounting for more than 25% of the attendees).  Was it the slightly warmer weather?  Or the extra daylight that lasted till after 7pm which kept us awake or maybe the wonderful spacious bar location with large windows that is conducive to networking?  Whatever the reason, great bar service and food aside, the event was scintillating.  Seventeen “newbies” showed up, several from Fred Harrison’s NortonNet affiliate group.  Take a look at the pictures

The atmosphere was electric with conversations about the English Premier league (soccer), mutual friendships, business dealings, non-profit charitable hospitals and of course now the infamous “what is Dip doing with the FBI” chatter.  My impression and the feedback from the evening as well as post mortem reviews was this an incredibly good night of socializing and networking.

Special mention for the appearances of the following folks who brought along new members: Linda Drake (brought along 2 others), Rob Silva (4 folks), Nick and Adam (2 folks), Maggie Sheridan (2 folks), Wendy Millar (at least 2 folks) and honourable mentions to Linda Howard, Barbara LaRock (absent but still sent someone along), Trish Deel and others.  The evening was delightful and we had plenty of opportunity to make some great connections.  I am looking forward to seeing more of you at our Tavern on the Lake event on March 26th.

Onto Spring of 2008 and warmer weather!

Dip Chandra
Partner Development Manager, Public Sector,

Business Objects
8405 Greensboro Drive, Suite 930,
McLean, VA 22102, USA
Phone: +1 (703) 918-2170
Mobile: +1 (703) 282-4014

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www.enexdi.com 703-748-0596 ask for Andrea
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